Why we donate to Hillcrest

Why we give to Hillcrest

I was asked to think about and share what Hillcrest means to myself and our family.
Hillcrest has meant so much to us that it is hard to verbalize—our story is so different than most parents. It starts when we discovered we were expecting twins. We were stressed to try to find two infant care spots and we were relieved when we discovered Hillcrest.
About a week before the babies were born prematurely, we discovered one of our children would be born with a significant disability.
Greg immediately called our director Christina to let her know the news. With so much weighing on us, we were worried our baby would not be welcome at Hillcrest because of her potential significant needs.
Christina reassured us that once accepted at Hillcrest you become a Hillcrest Family. She said we take care of you, and Hillcrest meets the child at whatever development stage they are at. You can imagine how relieved and grateful we were, with just one less thing to worry about.
We had chosen a child care center that celebrates diversity of all types and accepts all families. We chose a center that lives inclusion. We chose a center where a child is not asked to leave if they are not toilet trained at age three. We chose a center that celebrates nature and play. We chose a center where children get hugs and love. We are grateful our children attend Hillcrest.
As you know, Hillcrest is starting an annual campaign to benefit the center.
Greg and I now serve on the Board of Directors. We’ve heard some questions about why our Annual Fund is needed now, and why the cost of tuition doesn’t cover all the Center’s expenses.
Put simply, Hillcrest’s building has a significant level of deferred maintenance that requires additional fundraising to address. Tuition covers basic repairs but not the major repairs the building needs. Hillcrest has been operational for 50 years and the buildings are at least 60 years old.
A portion of the annual fund will be used for pressing repairs, as well as savings to allow for the replacement of the boiler (and related flooring) and a roof over the original part of the building. In addition, we would like to provide for an annual staff bonus for teachers and other needed items—specifically gear so teachers can be comfortable during the winter months while supervising our children outside.
We hope you’ll consider making a gift to support the campaign this year. You can make a gift by filling out a pledge card at the Center and dropping it into the check deposit box or sending an email directly to Christina with your pledge.
We would also appreciate your help in spreading the word about Hillcrest’s annual campaign to Hillcrest Alumni. Please share with alumni that Hillcrest is celebrating their 50th year of operation and we are starting an annual campaign for staff and building repairs to ensure Hillcrest is around another 50 years. We welcome donations from alumni. Any alumni can contact Christina or one of the board members for more details or how to give.

Thank you for considering a gift.

Greg and Monica French

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