

Parent Participation

Hillcrest was founded as a parent co-op and keeps the creation of community as a core value. One of the ways that is accomplished is through parent participation. There are various ways to volunteer your time and talents to the center. The opportunities available at Hillcrest are only limited by what we know. There are long-term projects and one-time events. There are opportunities to lead a project or to perform a single task. There are work projects, bi-annual cleanup, fundraising, special events planning, grant writing, etc. An ongoing list of opportunities is on the dry-erase board in the entryway. Please share your talents and interests with Hillcrest by completing the Parent Volunteer survey, attending the monthly Board Meetings, or speaking with the Director. If you are ever concerned about meeting your volunteer obligations, please speak with the Director.

To ensure fair treatment and to meet operational goals the Board moved in 2007 to require each family to donate a minimum of 20 hours per year at the Center. In 2010 the Board voted to allow for a buy-out option instead of volunteering. Volunteer hours are tracked from July 1st through June 30th. At the end of June, a family who has not completed their volunteer hours will be billed $20 per hour not completed. It is important to keep the Director informed of your volunteer hours by either writing it on the list in the entryway, or email. In addition, family volunteer participation is prorated on the time of year a family enrolls. If a family enrolls in April through June, we invite them to participate but will allow a three-month grace period to make the adjustment to Hillcrest.

Enroll July thru Sept 20 hours
Enroll Oct thru Dec 15 hours
Enroll Jan thru March 10 hours

Personal Belongings

Please make sure your child’s clothing and belongings are visibly labeled with first name and last initial. All staff members work diligently to keep track of each child’s belongings; however, there are times items are misplaced.

Families are required to keep at the center at all times:

  • Diapers (if needed)
  • Any ointments that you prefer with a corresponding topical form sheet
  • 2 changes of clothing
  • Full rain gear or snow gear (depending on the season)
  • Indoor shoes

Please remember that our staff is here to focus their full attention on running the program. We want to minimize the time spent tracking down clothing and toys from home, so label all your child’s items.

Teachers make classroom material decisions with the intent to provide opportunities for discovery, variety, and creativity. We ask that children not bring in toys from home as it distracts from the classroom’s work, with the exception of a nap-time stuffed animal. Any item deemed by staff to be unsafe or unsuitable will be returned to the parents with instructions stating that it is not to be brought to the center again. Children are not allowed to bring toy weapons to the center.

Weather Closures

In the event of severe weather or other emergencies, Hillcrest will follow the Municipality of Anchorage’s closures. If Hillcrest closes due to severe weather or another emergency, the center will be closed for the entire day. Notice of closures will go out on REMIND.

Please be aware that Hillcrest does not follow the Anchorage School District closings for the weather. In the event of severe weather and closures of ASD, which may cause inadequate staffing, Hillcrest will accept children on a first-come, first-served basis as the ratio allows. If you have a flexible work schedule, we ask that you minimize care use to accommodate those families who do not.

Wellness Policy

The wellness of all children and staff at Hillcrest is a priority. Teachers maintain sanitary practices throughout the day to minimize the spread of illness, yet illness is a part of childhood. If a child becomes ill while at Hillcrest, parents are notified and expected to pick up their child within the hour. If the parent cannot be reached, numbers on the emergency card will be called to locate a responsible adult to pick up the child. It is in the best interest of all the children in the center that sick children be kept at home so as not to infect others. It is the responsibility of parents to notify Hillcrest whenever a child will not be in attendance.

Excludable Illnesses

Hillcrest Children’s Center does not admit children, parent(s), or employees showing signs of a serious illness or excludable symptoms, nor allow them to remain in attendance unless a medical provider approves their attendance. Medical approval shall indicate the safety and well-being of everyone at Hillcrest. All parents and DHHS will be notified if children are exposed to any one of the following illnesses: Diphtheria, German measles (Rubella), Homophiles Influenza, Measles (Rubella), Bacterial Meningitis, Mumps, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Tuberculosis, Meningococcal Infection, Giardia, Hepatitis A, Salmonellosis, Shigellosis.

Excludable Symptoms

Hillcrest determines if children shall be removed from and/or not be allowed admittance to the program through the guidelines outlined in the most current edition of Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care to provide children with a safe and healthy environment and Schools: A Quick Reference Guide. A general rule of excludable symptoms is a high fever; behavior uncharacteristic for that child observed by: child not playing; child acting confused; persistent or inconsolable crying; open, oozing blisters; and/or loss of appetite characterized by refusing all solids or liquids.

Please consider the following in determining if your child is well enough to attend. First, consult your Dr. regarding concerns for your child’s health. Second, consider the planned daily routine of your child’s class and determine that your child can fully participate in those without compromising the needs of your child and those of their classmates. If your child cannot participate in the planned daily activities, such as going outside, that day will be excluded from care.


Hillcrest staff may dispense medication to a child only if a Medication Authorization is completed daily or Topical Products Permission is on file, and the following requirements are met:

Prescription Medication

Prescription medication must be in the original container with the prescription label that includes: the child’s name, name of the medication, dosage, dosage intervals, name of prescribing physician, date the prescription was filled, and date the prescription expires. No prescription medicine will be administered after the expiration date.

Non-prescription Medication

Non-prescription medications such as Tylenol, Sudafed, cough syrup, etc., can only be given for four consecutive days without written notice from a physician. Non-prescription medications can only be administered following the directions on the bottle without written directions from a physician. If the bottle says age 2yrs and over or consult a physician, we cannot give the medication to a child under 24 months without written direction from a physician. Staff will only administer medication per medication instructions. Parents must provide daily authorization for Hillcrest Staff to administer non-prescription medicine.

Non-prescription Topical Products

Parents are required to fill out the Topical Products form for the application of non-prescription items applied externally, such as diaper ointments, insect repellents, sunscreens, lip balm, and skin creams. Medication must be in the original container and labeled.